July 10, 2010

eBay Life "Score of the Day" is.......

The eBay Life Blog has moved to www.theebaylife.com!

There were so many yard sales this morning! We just couldn't get to them all. We stopped writing them down once we go to number 27 on Craigslist. It was about 100 degrees today, and people wanted stuff to move! The biggest "score of the day" was a lot of 55 Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew hardback mystery books in very good condition for....


That's right. I purchased 51 books for under $3.

Looked them up on Terapeak, and they sell! They sell for about $2.00 a piece. Since I want them to move quickly, and I am at a disadvantage when it comes to shipping since I live in California, I put them at a relatively inexpensive price.

P.S. Notice I put "AR" in the title since Accelerated Reading is a popular reading program at many schools. These books should all be AR books. (I used to teach fifth grade!)


  1. Oh! And since there are a ton of teachers in this town, I also posted these books on Craigslist. Definitely a Craigslist item!

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