January 21, 2010

$4 Gift Bags for 5 Cents! $3 Bags of Bows for 5 Cents!

I just got back from one of the big pharmacies near my house. The car is full of ....and I mean full of .........BOWS AND GIFT BAGS! I know that I usually purchase women's shoes, but I can't pass up a good deal when I see one!

The end-of-Christmas sale turned into the "Everything is 5 Cents" sale. Yes! No joke! $11.00 for about 220 items!! $4 items for 5 cents? Wow!!!

I will be passing out some of these goodies to the ladies in my office who feed me on a regular basis (I don't cook and often forget my lunch), and I will be giving some of the bows and bags to family members. The rest of the merchandise will be packed up and thrown in my storage unit. We will be putting all of these items away for next year's Christmas season when they will end up on Craigslist. Stay tuned!

Miriam @ Bluefrogshoes.com - a shoe store for all of the women out there who wear hard-to-find sizes!


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